"Historical Narrative of the Crystal City Internment Camp," by James O'Rourke
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"Historical Narrative of the Crystal City Internment Camp," by James O'Rourke
Internment during World War II; Reports and narratives; Administration; Civil rights
The following is a report about the camp by James O'Rourke, officer in charge at Crystal City. An important resource for understanding the history of the camp from the administration's perspective, the document reveals the different challenges of running a family internment camp. One challenge was figuring out how to establish a school for the children since they came from multiple different states that each had different curriculum requirements and many students lacked transcripts. Another challenge was building the hospital, situated in a muddy part of the camp, which made it more difficult for doctors and nurses to go to work until weather-proof roads were built. One other problem worth mentioning was the heat, which sometimes reached 112 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The report also describes different activities that occurred at the camp, such as excursions to the nearby Nueces River, a football match between the Federal high school and the camp adults, and moving picture films. Interestingly, O'Rourke writes that "it is the general opinion of our staff that voluntary [family] internment should not be permitted" due to the "attitude changes on the part of American-born women and children while interned" (pdf pg. 35). He also writes that little conflict occurred at the camp and that there were no attempted escapes.
James L. O'Rourke
O’Rourke, Joseph L. Historical Narrative of the Crystal City Internment Camp, a report to W.F. Kelly, Assistant Commissioner for Alien Control Office, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Crystal City Internment Camp, RG 85, 101/161, 32, National Archives.
National Archives and Records Administration
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Crystal City Internment Camp, Crystal City, Texas
James L. O'Rourke, “"Historical Narrative of the Crystal City Internment Camp," by James O'Rourke,” Hidden Histories UT-Austin, accessed March 15, 2025, https://hiddenhistoriesut.org/items/show/288.